Hire us for your Trademark’s Opposition in the UK!
There are two levels of oppositions available:
* Level 1:
-we file a TM7A (Notice of threatened opposition) at the UK IPO [£10 GBP].
–optional but recommended: we send a second letter notice by certified mail directly to the trademark applicant giving him/her the opportunity to withdraw him/her trademark application (otherwise she could face liability costs to scare him/her off) and explaining him/her how to do this [£29 GBP].
It could be that Level 1 is enough to achieve the desired effect without going to (the optional) Level 2 below (there is a 50%-50% chance that this Level 1 will be enough).
* Level 2:
-we file the full opposition procedure at the UK IPO [£99 GBP our fee + £100 GBP gov fee = total of £199 GBP] which can be entirely or partially recovered from the trademark applicant at the end of the procedure.
You can decide to go only for Level 1 for now, and you do not have to go to Level 2 if Level 1 is unsuccessful (but you can also decide at a later stage).
You can also decide to do nothing, and to invalidate this trademark later on (within 5 years) but it will be more expensive to do so, or to leave it co-exists with yours (and potentially face a legal competitor in the marketplace).
- free UK agent service included
- as your agent: we can file the opposition on your behalf
- We will contact you after the checkout for your trademark opposition project if anything is unclear
- add to cart, checkout and you’re done!
- please note that this purchase cannot be refunded.